What Do Red Foxes Eat?
The red fox is an omnivore, which means they eat both plants and animals. The red fox will hunt for prey like rabbits, rodents, birds, etc. They will also forage for berries an other wild fruits.

Small Mammals
The red fox will hunt for small mammals such as birds and rodents such as gerbils, rats, mice, voles, rabbits, raccoons and squirrels.

The red fox also eats invertebrates. This includes insects such as crickets, grasshoppers and beetles. The red fox also eats mollusks and crayfish.
Reptiles and Amphibians
Red foxes eat small reptiles and amphibians such as frogs, toads, lizards and snakes.
Plants and Fruit
The red fox eats plants such as acorns, grass, grains and fungi. They also eat fruits such as cherries, permissions, grapes, plum, mulberry, apples and raspberry.
The red fox can hunt on both land and in the water. They hunt fish and small crabs.
The red fox eats birds, and also loves to snack on eggs.
How Does the Red Fox Hunt?
Red foxes are solitary hunters, which means they hunt alone at night. They can also hear very well. They can hear small prey such as voles and rabbits burry themselves into the ground, or hiding in the snow. To catch prey, the red fox pounces on them like a cat. The red fox is also very fast, making them a strong predator.
Red Fox Vocabulary Words
Solitary Hunters