Types of Foxes, All 23 Types of Fox!
Did you know that there are 23 different types of foxes? You may have heard of the red fox, fennec fox and arctic fox, but have you heard of a swift fox, or an island fox? In this article, you will learn about the 23 different types of foxes.
What Makes a Fox a Fox?
Foxes are canines. While all foxes fall under the Canidae, they do not all fall under the same genus.
The genus Vulpes contains 12 species of fox, and these are known as the “True Foxes.” However, 6 species of fox are contained in the Lycalopex genus. These are known as the “South American Foxes.”
So what makes a fox a fox? All foxes share these characteristics; a small canine with triangular ears, a pointed snout and a bushy tail. They are usually omnivores and are nocturnal.
Types of Fox
“True Foxes“
Genus Vulpes
Bengal Fox

The Bengal Fox, (Vulpes bengalensis) is also known as the Indian Fox. It only lives in the Indian subcontinent south of the Himalayas.
Blanford’s Fox

The Blanford’s Fox is named after the naturalist William Thomas Blanford. This fox lives in the Middle East and Asia.
Cape Fox

The Cape Fox is also known as the silver-backed fox or the cama fox. This fox can be found in Southern Africa.
Corsac Fox

The Corsac Fox is found throughout Central Asia. It is one of the most widely distributed foxes.
Tibetan Sand Fox

The Tibetan Sand Fox is just as elusive as it is strange looking. It lives on the Tibetan Platteu, but relatively little is know about this species of fox.
Arctic Fox

As its name suggests, the Arctic Fox is found in nearly all areas of the Arctic, including northern Canada, Iceland, Greenland, Svalbard, and Arctic Russia. The arctic fox is the only native animal in Iceland.
Kit Fox

The Kit Fox lives in dessert areas such as the southwest United States and northern Mexico.
Pale Fox

There is not much known today about the Pale Fox. The Pale Fox’s fur is lightly colored to blend in with the dessert sand. The Pale Fox can be found in very remote regions of Africa.
Rüppell’s Fox

Rüppell’s Fox is named after the naturalist Eduard Rüppell. The Rüppell Fox lives in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
Swift Fox

The Swift Fox is a small fox found in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains of the United States.
Red Fox

The Red Fox is one of the most widely distributed foxes in the world, and it is also the face you think of when you think “fox.” The Red Fox can be found in most of North America, Europe, Asia, northwest Africa, and even Australia.
Fennec Fox

The Fennec Fox lives in the Sahara Desert and the deserts of Israel. It’s large ears help hear small rodents under the ground.
Genus Urocyon
Gray Fox

Island Fox

The Island Fox lives off the coast of Southern California. There are 6 subspecies of the Island Fox, each living in a different island of the Channel Islands.
Genus Otocyon
Bat Eared Fox

The Bat Eared Fox is a small fox with large, bat-like ears. The Bat Eared Fox lives in the African Sahara.
Genus Lycalopex
Culpeo Fox

The Culpeo Fox is also called the Andean Fox. The Culpeo Fox is found in South America.
Darwin’s Fox

Darwin’s Fox is an endangered fox found in isolated areas of Chile. The Darwin’s Fox was named and discovered by Charles Darwin.
South American Gray Fox

The South American Gray Fox is also known as the Chilla or the Patagonian Fox. As the name suggests, this fox is found in southern South America.
Pampas Fox

The Pampas Fox is also known as Azara’s Fox. It can be located in the Pampas region of South America, as well as Paraguay and Bolivia.
Sechuran Fox

The Sechural Fox is also known as the Peruvian Desert Fox. This fox only lives in coastal Peru and Ecuador, including the Sechura Desert.
Hoary Fox

The Hoary Fox is found in the Savanas of central and western Brazil.
Genus Cerdocyon
Crab-Eating Fox

The Crab-Eating Fox is also known as the Bush Dog, Maikong, and Wood Fox. This fox is found in South America.
Genus Canis
Simien Fox

The Simien Fox is also known as the Ethiopian Wolf or the Simien Jackal. This fox is endangered, loosing its habitat in Ethiopia.

The 23 Types of Fox Are:
- Bengal Fox
- Blanford’s Fox
- Cape Fox
- Corsac Fox
- Tibetan Sand Fox
- Arctic Fox
- Kit Fox
- Pale Fox
- Rüppell’s Fox
- Swift Fox
- Red Fox
- Fennec Fox
- Gray Fox
- Island Fox
- Bat-Eared Fox
- Culpeo Fox
- Darwin’s Fox
- South American Gray Fox
- Pampas Fox
- Sechuran Fox
- Horay Fox
- Crab-Eating Fox
- Simien Fox