Monarchs primarily rely on milkweed (Asclepias genus) to survive. This is because it is the only plant that the Monarch caterpillar can digest! In this article, you will learn what Monarch butterflies eat and why.
What do Monarch Caterpillars Eat?

Monarch caterpillars only eat plants from the Milkweed family (Asclepias spp). Some species include common milkweed, bloodflower and showy milkweed. Butterfly weed (A. tuberosa) is the species you are probably most familiar with, with its bright orange flowers. The caterpillars will munch on all parts of the milkweed, leaving hardly none of the plant behind.
Why Do Monarch Caterpillars Eat Milkweed?
Milkweed contains chemical compounds which are toxic to all invertebrates other than the Monarch caterpillar. This means that invertebrate predators will not eat the Monarch caterpillar, because they are toxic and bitter-tasting to them.
What do Monarch Butterflies Eat?

Monarch butterflies eat several times a day to sustain their energy to fly. They can go a day or two without food if necessary. Butterflies eat the nectar of flowers using their proboscis. While caterpillars can only eat milkweed, butterflies can eat the nectar of many other plants. The Monarch butterfly’s favorite flower is goldenrod, butterfly bush, milkweed, cosmos, lantana, lilac and zinnia.
Do Monarchs Eat Fruit?
If you see a weak Monarch butterfly, and do not have any flowers nearby, you can offer it fruit. Monarchs love oranges, bananas and mangos.
What is a Butterfly Puddler?
“Puddling” is when a butterfly sits in a puddle and drinks its nutrient rich water. Through puddling, the butterfly can get the minerals and salts it needs to survive. If you want to help your local butterflies, you can make or buy your own butterfly puddler to give them these nutrients.
How Do Monarch Butterflies Eat?
Monarch butterflies do not have a mouth. They have a proboscis. A proboscis is the long “tongue” that you might see when a butterfly lands on a flower. When not in use, the long straw-like tube curls around into a spiral. When drinking nectar, the proboscis extends into the flower and sips its nectar.
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What are the Monarch butterfly’s favorite flowers?
What is “puddling?”
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