Have you ever wondered what bugs live in ponds, streams, and rivers? If you take a closer look, you’ll discover an entire world of amazing aquatic insects! These bugs might be small, but they play a big role in their ecosystems. Let’s dive in and explore some cool facts about these underwater critters.
What are aquatic insects?
Aquatic insects are bugs that spend at least part of their lives in water. Some live underwater their entire lives, while others start their life in water and move to land as adults.
What are some common types of aquatic insects?

Some common types of aquatic insects include:
Dragonflies. Most of the aquatic insects you may find in a pond are dragonflies. You may see the dragonfly in several stages in its life, such as the dragonfly nymph. Learn more about the lifecycle of a dragonfly here!
Mosquitoes. Have you ever noticed that mosquitoes are most present near bodies of water? This is beacuse the mosquito lays its eggs and larva in water.
Water Striders. Water striders have long legs that allow them to walk on water!
Backswimmers. Back swimmers are water bugs with long, oar-like legs that help them swim on the top of the water.
Diving Beetles. These underwater hunters dive into the water to catch their prey.

What adaptions help aquatic insects survice?
Aquatic insects have many adaptions that help them survive in the water. For example, many have gills, just like fish, that allow them to breathe underwater. Others, like water striders, can walk on water thanks to their super light bodies and long legs that spread out their weight. Some, like diving beetles, carry tiny bubbles of air with them so they can breathe while swimming!